You can make your element do certain action when you click on them. To do that select the element you want, click on link icon [1], select Action [2] and select from the dropdown [3] the action you want.
The available actions are:
Switch to mobile version - this will switch your site to the mobile version of the site (you must have the mobile version already created on your site).
Call Phone - you can insert a phone number [1] and make calls by clicking on the linked element.
Submit Form - this will submit your form.
Scroll to element - you can link an element to scroll your page to a desired element (mostly used to go back to top on long pages). To do that select the element you want to scroll to [2].
Show/Hide elements - you can show or hide elements. When you select this option you have two lists [3] Elements to hide and Elements to show. All elements are visible by default.
JavaScript action - you can insert your JavaScript in the text field [4] and it will execute when you click on the element linked.
Switch state - you can switch from a state to another.