If you have a domain registered with Cabanova and you appended email to it (email@domain.com), you can set them up in any email client by using the following settings:
Server Type: POP3
Incoming Email Server : pop.cabanova.com
Port: 995
Security Protocol/Encryption: SSL
Outgoing Email Server: smtp.cabanova.com
Port: 465
Security Protocol/Encryption: SSL
Server Type: IMAP
Incoming Email Server: pop.cabanova.com
Port: 993
Security Protocol/Encryption: SSL
Outgoing Email Server: smtp.cabanova.com
Port: 465
Security Protocol/Encryption: SSL
The Username must be your full email address, for example: email@yourdomain.com
The Password must be the one you've chosen while you created your email account and not your Cabanova password.
If you're setting up your email account in Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail or Google Mail, the settings above must be all entered during the setup process.
If you're setting up your email account in Apple mail, it might be that some advanced settings such as Ports and Security Protocols won't be required since the Email Application detects them automatically. However, if the Automatic Detection of the parameters fails, you can always provide the Advanced Settings.