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Tips & Tricks

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How can I download all the files that I have uploaded into my website?

It is possible to download all images and any other files you have inserted into your Cabanova website.

1. In the website builder, choose "File" [1] tab in the main menu, then click on "Download my files[2].

2. Your browser will automatically start downloading a compressed ZIP-formated file that contains all your files. Depending on which operating system and browser you are using, you may need to confirm the download before it starts.

3. When the download is complete, you can locate it in the Downloads folder on your local hard drive.

4. To retrieve the files you must unzip the file you downloaded. If your computer does not recognize the file type when you try to open it, you can download this free tool and install it on your computer.
How do I add collaborators who can also edit my website?

If you're a member of the Cabanova VIP Reseller Club, you can indeed allow parties to edit and update any Website created within your Cabanova Reseller account by creating a login for each collaborator, using the "Collaborate" feature.

To do so, please follow these instructions:

First go to "File" [1] then hit "Collaborate" [2].
A window with three sections will open. The first one is Information [3], here you have the link [4] "http://sitebuilder.1editor.com/login/en" to the debranded version of the sitebuilder.
collaborator information
Next is Collaborators [5], here you can "Add new collaborator" [6] by entering an email and password for him/her to login.
collaborator collaborators
Next is Site Structure [7], here you can choose what you let the collaborators modify in your website.
collaborator site structure
Insert a Google Doc into your Cabanova Page

You probably know that you can insert lots of external content in your Cabanova website. With a small trick, the list of embeddable things can get even bigger. For example, you can easily squeeze a Google Doc in, be it a presentation, text document or spreadsheet. You will need to get your hands dirty a tiny bit though.
But with this simple step-by-step, it's piece of cake.

  • Open your Google document, for this how-to I will open an simple Word Document. Note that you can upload your own files, Power Point, Presentation, Excel and other formats to Google Docs and they will be converted to cloud documents.

  • Go to Share [1] options and click Advanced [2].
  • Now in the window that poped up the first thing is "Link to share", copy this link [3].
share settings
  • Go to your website builder and insert an External Content and in the link box [4] paste the link you copied early.
insert link
Here is the final result, in the published page:
document on website
A last note, don't forget to make your Google document public: after opening it in Google, click the same Share button at the right, then go to Sharing settings and click Change. Choose "Anyone with the link" and save.
Download-My-Files Collaborate