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You can now start your own online shop. To do that, Insert [1] the Shop [2] element to your site and follow the instructions.
To edit the shop click on Manage Shop [1] on edit tool bar.
In Shop Manager you have 3 categories:

[1] Orders - Shows a detalied list with all orders made with your shop

[2] Catalog - Here you have all your categories, products and attributes

[3] Settings - These are the settings for your shop: General settings, Terms and conditions, Payment settings, Taxes, Shipping.
In the Catalog menu you have Categories [4], Products [5] and Attributes [6].
The Categories menu is to classify your products. You can add Category and Subcategory, unlike the pages here is no such thing as Sub-Subcategory.
You can add products in Catalog and Products, remember that you must have a category to insert a product. Next click to Add Product [1]

To edit the product click on the marker [2] next to the "New Product" and you will open the setting for that product. 
Here you can edit:

Product name [1] - change the name of the product

Status [2] - Make the product Visible or Hidden (if you have more to eddit to that product and don't want it to be diplayed on the shop yet)

Short Description [3] - A shord description about the product with max. 400 characters

Description [4] - A detalied description about the product.

Price without tax [5] - here you put the price and the shop will set the price with your set Sales tax.

Sales Tax [6] - This is the tax rate you set in your shop.

Weight [7] - The weight of your product

Article-Number [8] - The number of your article.
You can set your list of Attributes in Catalog menu and Attributes section. To do that create a Group [1] (for eg: Color [2]) and add attributes [3] for that group (Black, White, Blue, Red, Green ... [4]).
In Shop Manager you will find Settings menu, here you can edit the following: Shop Name [1], Shop email [2], Shop address [3], ZIP [4], City [5], Country [6], Phone [7], Fax [8], Products visible per page [9], Shop Currency [10] and Minimum order value [11].
These are the General Settings, you can also edit the Terms and conditions.
shop terms
In Settings menu you also find the Payment options :

Bank wire [1] - Accept payment by bank transfer, here you need to insert the Account owner and the Bank details

Cash on delivery [2] - Accept payment when goods are delivered.

Payment on pickup [3] - Payment is done when the client picks up the products personally.

Paypal [4] - Accept payments through Paypal. In order to accept payments through Paypal using this platform, you need to:

1. Have a Business or Premier Paypal account. If you don't, please go to www.paypal.com and create one.

2. Configure your Paypal account to allow API access. Login to your Paypal account and go to
Profile -> My selling tools -> API access -> Option 1 (Add or edit API permissions)
Click "Add New Third Party" and add this address: paypal_api1.cabanova.com
Grant permission for Express Checkout.
You can have all payment options active at the same time if you so choose.
In the settings menu you can edit the Taxes. Change the Sales Tax Label [1] and add [2] or remove tax rates.
To edit the Shipping go to Settings and click on Shipping.

Here you have Sales Tax Rate For Shipping Costs [1], Handling Fees [2], the Free shipping [3] conditions and Additional shipping information [4].
You can presonalize your shop by changing the colors. You can edit the Text Color:

  • Item Color

  • Separator Color

  • Button Border

  • Button Fill

  • Category Fill

  • Subcategory Fill
Shop colors add shop manage shop shop category
You can edit the Name [1], the Stats ( Visible or Hidden ) [2], the Description [3] of the category and you can also Set an image [4].
category edit add product
Categories - Here you can put your product in a category [1]. A product can be put in multiple categories.
shop produc edit
Images - You can add images [1] to your product.
product image
Attributes - Add atributes [1] if your customers will want a similar product(for eg: T-shirts with different sizes)
product attributes
Inventory - Here you add the quantity [1] of the product you have in your inventory.
product inventory product category Shop Attributes Shop payments Shop taxes Shop shipping
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