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A form can be inserted in two ways, you can insert each element and create your own form, or you can choose from our Predefined Forms.
Forms and predefined forms
Every element in a form has a Field name with the exception of the Submit button. The Field name helps you keep track wich field should be completed with what. Field name is not visible in the displayed Form.

Every element has animation (can add animation to your elements), and effects (you can add transparency, drop shadow or make your form element hold it's position if you scroll down or up).

Every element has the "Data" option. This leads to detalied list of the recieved mails via your form.
field name and all
Every Form has to be linked to an Email Address, you can link a different Email Address on forms on different pages, you can even link the form to more than one email by separating them with "," .

The mail address can be set by clicking on any element of the form. Also you can set what page to be displayed after submitting the form by clicking on "Responder".
The elements of a Form are :

Form Field - It's a single line text field, generaly used for "First Name", "Last Name", "Telephone" etc.

This field can be made "Required Field" by clicking on settings and checking the box Required Field. You can also change the limit Number of characters, by default the minimum is 0 and maximum is 50
Name required filed
Multiline Form Field - Multiline text field used for a detalied text/message.

This field can be made "Required Field" by clicking on settings and checking the box Required Field. You can also change the limit Number of characters, by default the minimum is 0 and maximum is 200
multi line field
Date - Here you request the date for the mail.

This field can be made "Required Field" by clicking on settings and checking the box Required Field. You can change the format of the date to: Day-Month-Year, Month-Day-Year, Year-Day-Month, Year-Month-Day.
date field
Checkbox - A checkbox can be used for multiple selections

This checkbox can be made "Required Field" by clicking on settings and checking the box Required Field. You can make this box can be selected by default by checking the Default Selection box.
checkbox field
Radio Button - Radio buttons are used to let someone select a single one out of a group.

This checkbox can be made "Required Field" by clicking on settings and checking the box Required Field.

You can make this box can be selected by default by checking the Default Selection box.

To create different groups of radio buttons, give every radio button you want in the same group the same name.
radio button
Select - This is a dropdown with two or more elements, only one can be selected.

By default a the first option will be selected, you can change that by clicking on "Options" and "Default". To add more option fields click on "Add new option" and to remove one press the           icon of the unwanted option.
option field redx
File Upload - To let someone upload a file in your contact form.

You can select the size limit of a file in the Maximum File Size box, the default limit is 20 MB, also you can choose what type of files are allowed.
upload field settings
Submit button - This send the form to the selected mail address.
We also have a Basic Contact Form that contains a "Your Name" field, "E-mail Address" field, "Message" field and buttons for Reset and Submit. You can add it by selecting "Basic Contact From" in Forms area.
basic contact form
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new example