If you do not receive the submitted contact forms, please check the following:
1. Make sure the contact form is setup with a valid email address:
- Edit your Website and from 'Pages in your website' menu, select Webpage which contains the contact form [1]
- Left-clicking on a contact form field to edit it [2] and at the Edit tool bar, make sure a valid email address is entered into the 'Send to' field [3].
(If the entered email address is 'noreply@cabanova.com', make sure you replace it with your e-mail address)
2. Make sure submitted forms are not routed to the Spam folder of your email account:
When a form is submitted, it gets automatically compiled into an automatic email and sent from the routing alias 'cabanova-form@cabanova.com' to the email address your contact form is setup with.
As the email is automatically generated, it's likely that it gets routed to the Spam folder of the email account/address your contact form is setup with.
Therefore, if the automatic emails containing the submitted forms data are not received in your INBOX, please check the SPAM/BULK folder for them.
If it's the case and in order to receive the automatic emails directly in your INBOX, all you need to do is to authorize the alias 'cabanova-form@cabanova.com' at your Spam Filter settings level.